Sept 6


edios media’s brandon hall awards haul

Edios scored big with five medals at this year’s Brandon Hall Groups Excellence Awards.  We are honored to share these awards with our brilliant clients/partners.  Check out the categories:



Best Use of Mobile LearningLyft  



Best Custom ContentBlockchain Research Institute & INSEAD

Best Customer TrainingAugust Public Inc.

Best Use of Video – August Public Inc.



Best Use of Video – Blockchain Research Institute & INSEAD


“We are delighted to learn that our joint submission won awards in two categories, and are tremendously grateful to Edio for taking the lead and bringing greater recognition of our work”

Alisa Acosta PHD – Director of Research and Education –Blockchain Research Institute


Congrats to our wonderful partners.  We are absolutely thrilled to be recognized by the Brandon Hall Group and we look forward to raking in more awards in 2024.

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